Unknown Vocabulary for U.S Constitution:
Requisite: A thing that is necessary for the achievement of a specified end.
Enumeration: A complete, ordered listing of all the items in a collection.
Sole: The undersurface of a person's foot.
Superseded: Take the place of someone.
Affirmation: The action od affirming something.
Concurrence: The process of affirming something.
Adjournment: An action or period of adjourning.
Compensation: Something awarded to someone as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering.
Emoluments: A salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.
Legislative: Having the power to make laws
Counterfeiting: Imitate fraudulentary.
Constitute: Being a part of whole.
Marque: A make of car, as distinct from a specific model.
Reprisal: The act of retaliation.
Insurrections: A violent uprising against an authority or government.
Facto: Means law
Ports: A harbor.
Expenditures: The act of spending fund.
Confederation: An organization that that consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league.
Imminent: About to hang.
Entitled: Believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
Certify: Confirm in a formal statement.
Amendments: Mirror change in a document.
Impeachment: A formal process
Expedient: Convenient and practical.
Misdemeanors: A mirror wrongdoing..
Dimities: A sheer usually corded cotton fabric of plain weave in checks.
Appellate: Dealing with applications for decisions to be renewed.
Disparage: Representing a little worth.
Inflicted: Impose something unwelcome something.
Rebellion: An act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler.
Emancipation: Freeing someone from slavery.
Jurisdiction: An official power to make legal judgement.
Ineligible: Legally of official made position.
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