Events Leading to Magna Carta:
(Manga Carta is a authority of rights signed by King John at Runnymede June 15 1215.)
979 to 2015:
979:Ethelred the Unready
Ethelred the Unready takes the traditional three- fold coronation
oath of an English king for many reasons. One reason he did that would be to uphold peace in the church. Another reason he did that was to forbid robbery and unrighteousness to all. The last reason he did that was to provide justice and mercy in all judgments.
1014- 1066: Restoration of Ethelred the Unready & Norman
Ethelred the Unready is restored to the throne of England. According to the Anglo Saxon Chronicle. Ethelred restoration is found on a pact agreed between the English king. When William Duke of Normandy is crowned king William 1 of England the Norman Conquest is completed.
1086-1199: Domesday Book & Coronation of Henry 1 & King John
The Domesday Book is assembles. The Domesday Book had detailed national survey of land in England. Starting from 1100 through 1135 Henry 1 issues a charter of liberties at his coronation. The charter that Henry 1 issued contained a series of promises to his other parties, his barons, but they mostly were related to feudal custom. King John was crowned King of England after it was the death of his older brother.
1208- 1214: Papal Interdict & Stephen Langton turns as a Archbishop & England's feudal overlord became Pope
In 1208, Pope Innocent 111 places a papal interdict on England. The papal interdict allows to ban priests from administering the sacraments and also forbids Christian burial. Stephen Langton is accepted as Archbishop of Canterbury by King John. Pope Innocent 111 accepts over lordship of England. This removes King John from the pinnacle of the feudal hierarchy.
1215: Main events of Magna Carta
The rebel barons capture the Tower of London, and they make their position. In 1215, the barons assemble at Runnymede to negotiate with King John. Afterwards in June, King John grants Magna Carta. Finally on June 19 1215, peace comes, the barons make formal peace with the King John by retaking their oaths of allegiance to him.The first seven copies are delivered for distribution.
1216- 1217 : Loss and Death of King John & First and second
Revision of Magna Carta
Prince Louis of France invades England and attracts baronial
support. In 1216. King John loses his royal treasure in the quicksands. King John dies at Newark. He dies from dysentery that he failed to recover from. King John was buried, as he wanted in Worcester Cathedral. His nine year old becomes King Henry 111. After King John's death, William Marshal, issues a revised version of Magna Carta in his capacity as Regent. William Marshal, who is known as the regent, issues a second revision of Magna Carta in 1217.
1225- 1689:
Henry 111, King John's son, issued a revised vision of Magna Carta under his own seal. Later on Edward I confirms Henry 111's 1225 version of Magna Carta.. That version was placed on the first statue roll. Edward Coke began the Petition of Right. Petition of Right is a statement of civil liberties sent by Parliament to Charles 1. In 1679, Parliament passes the Habeas Corpus Act. In 1689, the bill of rights is passed by Parliament. It sets the civil and political rights of people at the point of time the accession of William and Mary.
1776- 2015:
In 1776, the Second Continental Congress formally declares the separation of 13 colonies from Great Britain through the Declaration of Independence. In 1787, the Constitution of United States is signed and confirm the following year. It forms the system of feudal government that begins to work from 1789. In 1791, it was year the American Bill of Rights is added to the U.S Constitution as the ten amendments. The United adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Finally in 2000, the British Human Rights Act 1998 comes into force. That made the European Convention on Human Rights enforceable in UK courts.
Quick Summary about Magna Carta:
Magna Carta is a charter agreed by King John of England at Runnymede on 15 June 1215. Magna Carta was the first constitutional text. It one of the most important documents on to democracy. It is also known as the Great Charter. Magna Carta guarantees the right of individuals and the right to justice and the right to a fair trial.
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