Unknown Vocabulary For Magna Carta:
Archbishop: An important priest of the highest rank, who is also in charge of the churches and other bishops.
Bishops: A priest of a high rank that is in charge of the lower priests.
Abbots: A man who is in charge of building where monks live and worship.
Justiciaries: An administer of justice.
Foresters: A person who is in charge of a forest.
Stewards: The person who is in charge to look after the passengers on a ship.
Bailiffs: A person who does actions under legal authority.
Liege: A feudal superior.
Subdeacon: A minister of order ranking below deacon.
Seneschal: A governor, other administrative, or a judicial officer.
Unconstained: Not limited.
Ratification: The official way to confirm something, such as voting.
Earls: British nobleman ranking above a baron and below a marquess.
Aforesaid: Another term for aforementioned.
Amends: Action of repairing something.
Discreet: Careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions.
Stanks: Produce and recharge.
Wainage: Implements of feudal husbandry.
Husbandry: Raising crops.
Disparagement: Something that derogates or casts in a bad light.
Forthwith: Without any delay.
Bailiffs: Someone who manages the land and property of another person.
Chattels: Something that a person owns other than land or building.
Debtor: One who owns a debt.
Sureties: The state of being sure.
Scutage: A payment exacted by a lord in lieu of military service.
Boroughs: A town or district that is an administrative unit.
Tenants: A person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord.
Levied: Impose a tax,fee,etc.
Tenement: A piece of land held by a owner.
Disseisin: An action to recover lands.
Realm: A kingdom.
Freeholders: A registered voter who owns local prperty and has been a local resident for a certain length of time.
Amercements: Finical penalty in English law imposed either by the court or by peers.
Ecclesiastical: Relating to the Chistain church or its clergy.
Trithings: The practice of taking or paying a tithe.
Fief: An estate of land.
Intestate: Not having made a will before one dies.
Writ: A form of written command in the name of a court to act.
Exiled: Expel and bar from their native country.
Tarry: Covered with tar.
Detained: Keep someone from proceeding.
Escheat: The belief of property to the state to a lord, on the owners's dying without legal heirs.
Abbeys: The buildings resided by a community of monks or nuns.
Warrens: A network of interconnecting rabbit burrows.
Abolished: To put an end to a system, practice, etc.
Bailiwicks: One's sphere of operations or particular area of interest.
Mercenary: A professional solider hired to serve in a foreign army.
Franchises: The right to vote.
Crusaders: A fighter in the medieval Crusades.
Plea: A request made in an urgent or emotional way.
Rendering: The action of applying plaster to a wall.
Dis afforestation: To remove forests from land.
Retention: Keeping something in one's memory.
Hitherto: Until now or until the point where time is under discussion.
Amercements: A fine.
Archbishop: The chief bishop responsible for an archdiocese.
Substituted: Replace with another.
Welshmen: A male native or inhabitant of Wales or a man of Welsh descent.
Crusaders: A fighter in the medieval crusades.
Perchance: A good chance.
Clergy: The body of all people order for religious duties, most likely in the Christian Church.
Pertains: To be appropriate, applicable, or related.
Desirous: Characterized by desire.
Petition: Make or present a formal request to an authority with respect for a reason.
Transgression: An act that goes against a law, code of conduct or rule.
Redress: An undesirable or unfair situation.
Molesting: Assault or abuse sexually.
Incapacitated: Deprived of strength or power.
Provisions: An amount or thing supplied or provided.
Remitted: Send money in payment or as a gift.
Testimonial: A formal statement testifying to someone character and qualifications.
Concessions: A thing that granted.
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